Friday, April 30, 2010

Research Paper and Topic

The topic for my research paper is “The Negative Effects Television Violence Has On Children.” I will explain how the violence they are watching on television has effected their physical and mental development. My thesis is, “The violence and harmful media being watched on the television by children is robbing them of their time, activity, and creativity.”

Source #1
My first source is a web article explaining the invention and history of the television. I thought I should first start out by explaining who and how the television was originally invented to be a source of positive entertainment for the family.

Marcus, Laurence, and Stephen Hulse. "The Invention of Television: the Early Pioneers." Teletronic. 2007. 16 April 2010.

Source #2
My next source is a web article, which is explaining how television has become an addiction for children. This addiction is defined and the article talks about some of the harmful effects being seen in children. How they are acting out the violent acts they are watching. The article also explains ways on how to avoid letting children become addicted to the television.

Kubey, Robert and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. “Television Addiction – A Growing Problem.” All about Life Challenges, 2002-2010. 16 April 2010.

Source #3
My third source is a web article, which is explaining the negative effects of television violence have on children. This article contains statistics on how many hours of television children are watching and how their watching so many hours is affecting their health. It is an interesting article with useful information.

Boyse, Kyla. “Television and Children.” University of Michigan Health System, November 2009. 19 April 2010.

Source #4
My fourth source is a web article, which is explaining about studies and experiments about the negative effects the violence shown on television has on children. This source told about several studies and experiments, explaining the data that was documented.

“TV Violence.” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Spring 2003. 18 April 2010.

The television was invented to bring a form of entertainment into the homes. People would now be able to see the actors and actresses perform in shows while sitting around as a family unit. Unfortunately, through the years violence has been incorporated into the TV shows. This violence being watched by children is affecting their health and behavior. Children are acting out the violent acts they are watching and are becoming “couch potatoes” who are spending numerous hours sitting down watching TV. Physical activity and creativity has become non-existent and their health is suffering because of this. The time children spend in front of the television and the violent and harmful programs they are watching needs to be monitored.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"The First Technological Revolution and Its Lessons"

The technological innovation of the cell phones is a technical achievement that has helped and benefited society in many ways. I feel that man uses cell phones every day as a way of communication and entertainment. The cell phone has brought and helps keep people together so that they can be connected to each other. Cell phones have benefited society although there are some who feel that they are useless. Before cell phones, people had to use public telephones if they were out and needed to call someone. Now it is possible to pull out your cell phone, dial a number, and be on your way to the land of communication. I do not think every man is totally enslaved by the technology of the cell phone, but some people would not know how to function without one. The cell phone can be seen as an organizer of needed information, can be used to manage economic transactions, and helps some navigate across the world. The cell phone brings people together if only through the phone lines.

When asked about a recent technological innovation, which has brought social changes, I would say the cell phone fits this description. The cell phone has changed the way people interact with each other. We no longer have to make it a point to visit with friends, instead we can pick up our cell phone and call them any time or when we are in any place. This technological innovation can be seen as a positive improvement or as bringing about negative issues. I enjoy keeping in touch with my friends at all hours of the day and night, but my parents do not agree with this. I sometimes find myself sitting in my room and talking or texting all day. My parents would like to see me out of my room enjoying the outdoors and interacting with my friends in other ways. Being social with my friends does occur as I am talking or texting over my cell phone, but I must admit that it can become boring. I do enjoy hanging out with my friends and seeing their faces while we are talking.

I feel that I am basically comfortable with technology. I am the one who my grandmother calls when she is having issues with the TV. I am always able to figure out what happened when she pushed all the buttons on the remote trying to fix it herself and then fix it the right way. When I got a new cell phone, I didn’t bother to read the book or ask questions at the store, I just sat down and tried to figure it out on my own. I did become frustrated when the phone would not do what I wanted it to do, so I admit I had to pull the book out of the bag and read it. Technology does not scare me; I am always willing to use it to my advantage and let it enhance my life in all positive ways. If someone takes the time to invent a new technological item why shouldn’t I take my time to use it?